Sunday, November 25, 2007

Georgetown Visitation Monastery

Over the Thanksgiving break, I called the Georgetown Visitation Monastery. I hoped to shoot some photos of 3 sisters for my Rocket Dog mock ad for class.

The architecture was beautiful. The sisters were friendly, cheerful, and made me feel right at home. They even gave me a gorgeous book describing the artwork and history of the Visitation Monastery (CMYK on heavy, glossy paper).

Who knew a life dedicated to celibacy can be so temptingly packaged?

It is a good option to check out for any woman.

Sister Maureen de Chantal (top left), Mother Philomena (top right), Sister Mary de Sales (bottom)


Gong Liu said...

i am laughing when i type this,

hahaha, the lengths we go for an ad.

run.happy said...

great pictures. great evangelism :)